Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/erdeno8j/public_html/engine/classes/templates.class.php on line 162 Mastra submersible pumps, solar-wind pumping syste - "ERDENE-EKH" LLC mn Mastra submersible pumps, solar-wind pumping syste - "ERDENE-EKH" LLC TNGRI CMS Mastra solar-wind pumping systems Mastra solar-wind pumping systemsThe above mentioned stuffs are manufactured as a complete unit depends on the pumps flow and power rates. To operate the pump, it is important to select and operate suitable renewable energy system with applicable power rate and recommended controller regards to the pumps power rate.
The renewable energy pumps are different from the regular submersible pumps which can be operated by the AC power. The regular pumps are not able to operate by the solar and wind systems because of the power that produced by the systems as well as it will affect the pumps rated production rate and reliability. Thus, from the manufacturers of solar and wind turbine production, advise the customer to select the DC power pumps to use with their renewable energy systems to get the efficient outcomes.]]>
admin Mon, 07 Apr 2014 06:31:37 +0000